Tuesday, August 31, 2010

running with kites

last weekend, i started working on the crew of the kite runner. it was technical rehearsal weekend, so we worked two twelve hour days back to back. there are four apprentices crewing the show: me, daniel, brandon, and monica. monica and i are the wardrobe girls so we're in charge of all of the backstage costume changes. it's a hard show to work, and we're running around all of the time. it's exhausting. but the cast is wonderful--they are all so kind to us and they are a lot of fun to be around. so while the work is grueling, it's a great place to be.

every time i walk into actors theatre, i fall in love with it all over again. everyone that works here is so kind and willing to teach us, mentor us, and just put up with us. michael and amy, the directors of our program, are so dedicated to us i can't believe it. we put in long hours, but they work harder than we do, making sure that we're prepared for whatever we want to do when we leave here.

over the last few days i've really realized just how challenging this year is going to be, but i also know in my gut that this is the absolutely best place for me to be right now.

i'm off to rub my sore feet,

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