Monday, January 17, 2011

new headshots!

last week, a guy named alden ford came down from new york and took all of our headshots so we'd have new, pretty ones in time for humana. and boy, do they look great. a headshot is supposed to look like "you on a good day" and show your personality--you want to look good without looking like just an attractive robot. these are two of my favorites:

Monday, January 10, 2011

look, an article!

an article in the louisville courier-journal about the tens:

Friday, January 7, 2011

the new year

well, here we are, on the other side of the new year. we're at our halfway point of the program. the last big projects that we'll be doing are our ten minute plays (the tens), the end (our humana show), the the new voices festival (plays written by local high schoolers).

we go into tech for the tens this weekend. tech means long hours, snacks, reading, and waiting. and this weekend, it'll be a lot of last minute rehearsing, too. martina bonolis (co-apprentice) and i are in a plays called "that first fall" about two best friends who return from college to find they've drifted apart. it's a dense little play, and martina and i were fortunate enough to work on it with lila neugebauer. lila was a directing intern at actors two years ago, and she's absolutely one of my favorite directors i've ever worked with. she has a great ability to make her actors feel challenged and safe at the same time. she also has this crazy ability to approach a play intellectually and accessibly at the same time. but, she lives in new york. so the week before break, she flew down, we created the play in four days, and now she's coming back to tech to make sure we haven't messed it up too badly. so this weekend will be long. fantastic, but lots of long hours and hard work.