Tuesday, November 11, 2008

drumroll, please!

so today was our second day of rehearsals, and so this morning kelly told us our parts.
i'm cordelia!
she's the good sister, who refuses to "heave [her] heart into [her] mouth" and declare her love for lear in order to recieve a part of his kingdom. he consequently banishes her, and she is taken in by the duke of france, and becomes the queen of france. she returns at the end of the play with the french army to take over england and save her father, and i won't spoil the end for you...but it's a tragedy.



Grace Haun said...

you must be able to act if you are the good sister.

controlled chaos said...

Hi I randomly came across your blog today.
Ok I know you're gonna think I'm an idiot, but what play are you talking about?
Is it called Ophelia?